Edge of the Abyss

The Kings of War Global Campaign

The Dead Fleet

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VS Undead

After successfully intercepting the Twilight Kin army and preventing it from joining the growing evil forces at the Edge the Abyss and stopping March to War of notorious Grumtongue and his Orcs Horde, the Outcasts received the message that the Undead are stirring in the sands of Hokh-Man.

Armies arrayed for battle

The Elven army immediately set sail to the South and landed on the sand shores. Not long after the march into the land they met the force of shambling units of various kind, animated by dark magic and iron will of Revenant King and his minions.

Deployment map

It was soon clear that it was just an illusion and undead units were quickly surged forward to intercept the intruders. That sudden attack surprised the Elves and disrupted their ranks. The vicious fight erupted as Elves tried to regain control in the middle of the battle field while the forces on the right flank delayed powerful enemy forces.

It was to no avail as on the order of the Reventant King, the vicious Werewoleves burst through the forest and destroyed Elven troops there.

Mummies disrupt Elven ranks while Werewolves overwhelm the right flank

The mission to stop and destroy Undead forces turned for the Elves for a desperate fight for survival. They managed to form the last, thin line of defense but with the Cursead Pharaoh constantly harassing their units and powerful units approaching from the front, there was little hope among Elven warriors.

Thin, blue line

The Elves were soundly defeated and had to withdraw from the lands of Hokh-Man. The survivors reached the ships and retreated to the temporary safety of the seas knowing very well that the Dead Fleet soon follow.

It was then that the new message was received and battered Outcasts had to once again set sail to another war zone. This time the word said the Night Stalkers were about to break into reality and they had to be stopped in the hunted Twilight Glades.

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