Edge of the Abyss

The Kings of War Global Campaign

Clash at the edge of the abyss

2000+ POINTS
VS The League of Rhordia
Battle after turn 2. Some movement and minor fighting. My giant is already dead.

Great master wizard Bertus ordered his goblin hordes to march to the edge of the abys. He had a vision in his dream of a powerful artefact brought to the sun by the cracks of the abyss. His large army of goblins contained:

2 Wizards, each with bane chant and wind blast (and lightning), one with inspiring talisman
2 Flaggits, one with heal, the other with boomstick
1 Biggit on spider with dragonsbreath
2 Hordes of Spear goblins
1 Horde of Bow goblins
1 Regiment of Bow goblins
1 Regiment Rabble
1 Horde Trolls
1 Giant
2 War trombones
1 Big rock thrower
2 Regiments of Mawbeasts

Oponents force was League of rhordia

Hero on Azalel
Mage on horse
Halfling Battle standard bearer
2 Regiments of household guard
2 Troops of halfling scouts
1 Engine of war
1 organ gun
1 Mortar
1 Regiment of knights
1 Horde of Azalel
1 Horde of Berserkers

(hope I did not forget anything)

Battle was a clash, but unfortunatly the giant and the trolls both drank to much beer the army found the day before battle, and so they did not participate to long. They ran early in the game after some lucky damage on them. Afterwards the goblins were victim to their yellow bellied rule and refused to charge anything in turn 4 (missed 3 tests in a row). Thank to this cowardize the league got the upper hand.

Master Wizard Bertus managed to sneak through the enemy lines and survived the battle, but a lot of nice goblins lost their lives. But thank god, there are a lot more where they come from, and so master wizard Bertus will lead another attack to the Abyss or anywhere else in these lands soon.

Some fighting took place. You can also see a bit of the second part of the battle (was a multiplayer battle)

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2 People Recommended berti for commendation

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The League of Rhordia