Edge of the Abyss

The Kings of War Global Campaign

Defence of Galahir

Forces of Nature
VS Undead
Frank Hoogervorst

Arriving at the west the lich king was busy raising the dead dwarfs to refil hes legion. He had taken a real beating by the dwarfs but in the end they where now supplying reïnforcements. The lines where set up and Lordic Stormbeard prepared for a bitter fight.

As the lines where set Lordic saw his left flank was weak in comparison to the lich kings flank. His right flank however was powerfull. The lich king however did not take advantage of the weak left flank and played the waiting game, as did Lordic. He hoped his right flank could roll up the lich kings opposite flank and together move against the zombie legions. His wyrmriders in front where attacked by a wraight unit and managed to waver them. The greater air elemental came in support but could not prevent the destruction of the wyrmriders. The centaurs behind made the charge to the wraights and together with the greater air elemental routed the wraights while the flying young forest dragon(beast of nature) moved around to the back to reign terror in the undead army. Careful manouvring got the right flank to slowly gain the upper hands against the ghoul horde and finally it collapsed leaving the right flank to aid the left flank in an all out attack. On the left flank the battle commenced slowly. Several nature units where routed and Lordic fought against the wraiths to hold the line in a desparate attempt, but was overcome with fear and did not manage to hit anything. Slowly but surely the zombie legions where witthled down with wounds and several nature units where destroyed in the process. In the end only the lich king and his apprentice necromancer managed to flee the field of battle. Lordic was however in no state to follow on the agressors only being himself alive, a pegasus and a regiment of forest shamblers.

As Lordic saw the lich king retreat from the field of battle he knew that for today, the forest was saved. The forces of nature had taken many dead and he needed to rebuild his army. Retiring further in the forest for rest and rebuilding another druid took his watch over the front line.

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