Edge of the Abyss

The Kings of War Global Campaign

For the best experience you should create a FREE account, which will allow you to get involved in the campaign and unlock additional content and features!

Step 1:

Click on the Register or Login link in the top menu.

Register is on the right hand side of the menu


Step 2:

Complete the form as required.

Choose wisely

Username – Will be displayed to others in the battle as your Commander Name.

Email Address – Type it twice to confirm it is correct. If you have participated in a previous campaign be sure to use the same email address to unlock an achievement!

Faction – Please ensure that you have selected the faction you intend to play as; commanders can not change it themselves once registered (if this happens contact Warconsole Support).

Password – Enter your chosen password twice for confirmation. You can use a combination of lower and upper case letters, numbers, and symbols. Maximum length is 50 characters.


Step 3:

Click Submit. A confirmation dialog will pop up to confirm all the details are correct. Click OK and you’re ready for battle!


Welcome Aboard Commander!



Need further assistance? Contact Warconsole Support with the Campaign and screenshots relevant to the issue – [email protected]

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