Edge of the Abyss

The Kings of War Global Campaign

Take their HEADS!

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Warlord Massiskikk Scourge-bringer
VS The League of Rhordia
Duke Heirgenstatdt

Deployment, from League of Rhordia side, left to right: regiment of knights with chant of hate, mounted duke with quicksilver rapier, regiment of knights with blessing of the gods, regiment of musket block, halfling volley gun, halfling master engineer, regiment of halfling braves, halfling iron beast, horde of city militia, standard bearer, wizard with bane chant, regiment of house guard, two troops of crossbows, halfling master sergeant with bow, troop of halfling scouts.

For the Ratkin: horde of blight with blood of the old king, regiment of vermintide, horde of brutes with brew of courage, swarm-crier with the boomstick, regiment of vermintide, death engine with vile sorcery, two warlocks, one with bloodboil and the amulet of fireheart, the other with the fenulian amulet, weapon team, horde of warriors (in front), horde of shock troops (behind), swarm-crier with the lute of insatiable darkness, artillery (right at the back), horde of spear warriors, weapon team, another artillery (right in back corner).

My opponent and I had rolled up the Clash of Kings scenario "Eliminate", and the epic dwarf map pack number two. The League had bounty tokens on their knight regiments and the iron beast, while the ratkin had theirs on the blight, the shock troops, and the death engine.

Ratkin won the roll-off for first turn, and chose to take it. In the centre they pushed right up, stopping just behind the hills. The blight moved to just outside the forest. Lightning from the warlocks was able to waver the volley gun.

The League began by keeping their centre more or less stationary, while moving up on the flanks. Crossbows and halfling scouts shooting started putting some damage on the spear warriors.

Ratkin turn two, the blight moved into the forest and turned to face any potential charges from the knights. The vermintide, brutes and death engine positioned for counter attacks. A game of chicken was playing out in the centre, with the ratkin once again staying behind the hills, but continuing to move up their weapon teams. The warlocks were able to remove the volley gun, and the death engine put some damage onto the golden knights.

League of Rhordia turn 2, and the knights multi-charged the blight. Other than some shuffling the centre remained the same. Shooting continued to mount damage on the spear warriors, so far without effect. In the combat the knights put 10 damage on the blight, which wasn't enough.

The Death Engine and Brutes join the fray.

Ratkin turn 3, the blight counter-charged the golden knights, while the death engine and brutes went for a hindered charge into the hammer wielding knights. In the centre the vermintide moved ahead onto the hill and centre objective, trying to tempt some charges from the league. The warlocks and a weapon team also took up positions on the hill, but their shooting was poor, managing only 4 damage on the halfling braves and failing to waver/destroy them. In the combats, the blight brought the golden knights up to 11 but rolled low on the nerve. The death engine and brutes put 6 on the hammer-knights with no result.

League turn 3, the halfling braves charged past the vermintide into the weapon team. Otherwise the centre once again remained behind the hill. The knights both counter-charged, with the hammer-knights electing to hit the death engine in the hope of taking the bounty token. The duke meanwhile had spotted a vermintide regiment attempting to get behind the combat and charged them, thanks to 'very inspiring' continuing to support the knights all the while. The halfling scouts were now in range to start shooting at the artillery in the back corner, but scored no hits. Now that they were unhindered, the knight regiments put out serious damage, but were unable to break their targets. The duke put 3 damage on the vermintide but rolled low on the nerve. The halfling braves destroyed the weapon team with ease, but rolled too low on the back-up roll to get off the hill.

Ratkin finally cross the hills.

Ratkin turn 4, and the vermintide in the centre charged the city militia horde. The warrior horde charged up the hill into the braves. The spear warrior horde moved up and over the hill, and were faced with one more round of point-blank crossbow shooting. Blight, death engine, and brutes all went back into the knights, and vermintide counter-charged the duke. Artillery put 5 damage on one of the crossbow troops but failed to shift them, while lightning hit the iron beast for 2 damage. In the combats, both knight units were finally broken, and the ratkin claimed their bounties. Meanwhile, the the vermintide put 1 on the duke, which did not perturb him. The warriors scattered the braves from the hill, and the vermintide managed to put 4 damage on the city militia and roll a double 6 on the nerve!

In League of Rhordia turn 4, the iron beast charged the warriors on the hill, and the duke made use of individual to charge the death engine. The halfling scouts managed to put 1 damage on the artillery in the corner, which with a decent nerve roll was enough to convince them to quit the field. The crossbows opened up on the spear warriors, and although the damage they had accumulated was now quite high, they remained steady. In combat, the iron beast began to build some damage on the warrior horde. Over in the woods, however, the duke was able to destory the death engine, claim its bounty, and overrun out of line of sight!

Ratkin turn 5, and the blight moved through the woods towards the Rhordian board edge, looking to get the iron beast's flank. The warriors counter-charged the iron beast, the vermintide charged the city militia again, and the spear warriors charged one of the crossbow troops. On the flank, the other vermintide were able to get a hindered charge on the duke, while the brutes changed facing to get charge him next chance they got. The remaining artillery scored a good hit on the unengaged crossbow troop and sent them packing. In the combats, neither vermintide regiments could repeat their previous performances, with the city militia unwavered and the duke staying on only 1 damage. The warriors managed two damage on the iron beast, which it ignored, and the spear warriors broke the remaining crossbow troop.

League turn 5, and the duke once again employed individual to charge off after the blight, hitting them in the rear. The house guard regiment charged the spear warriors, while the city militia were finally able to counter-charge the vermintide. The halfling scouts and master sergeant on the flank shot at the remaining weapon team, and managed to waver it. In combats the house guard routed the spear warriors, and the duke routed the blight, claiming a second bounty token! We were now on 5 bounty points a each, although the ratkin held the tie-breaker objective in the centre. The iron beast continued to grind up ratkin warriors, and the city militia easily destroyed the vermintide, overrunning to stop an inch away from the ratkin warriors.

Ratkin turn 6, the warriors elected to charge the city militia instead of counter-charging the iron beast. All ratkin shooting went for the iron beast, hoping to remove it and secure the win. After bringing it up to 8 damage however, it was wavered but still on the board. With a little bane chanting from the lute, the warriors were able to break the city militia.

League of Rhordia turn 6, and the house guard charged the warrior horde. Despite the wizard failing to assist them with bane chant, they routed the warriors and overran to contest the objective.

With the roll for turn 7 failing, the game ended as a hard fought draw.

MVP - Duke Heigenstatdt himself, claiming two bounty tokens in a row!

Kill points for League: 980
Kill points for Ratkin: 940

End of game image, 5 bounty points each and centre objective contested.

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3 People Recommended Warlord Massiskikk Scourge-bringer for commendation

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