Edge of the Abyss

The Kings of War Global Campaign

Ultimate Battle On The Edge !!!

2000+ POINTS
Forces of Basilea
VS Undead

Hi guys ! Here is my very last battle report for the campaign !

It was an alliance : 3 players vs 3 players ! 6000 points vs 6000 point so 12 000 points on the table !

There were abyssals, undead, and empire of dust opposed to mt basileans, dwarves and undead of Jarvis allies and this battle took us two days to be fully played !

To tell you all the truth it would take forever to make a real complete and well detailed battle report so forgive me if you find this too much... concise ^^

So ! I'll add the armies lists of my allies and fies later but mine is already available. Hope you'll like it anyway. (Ho and excuse my poor quality photos anyway...)

Turn 1 :

The Good camp won the first move so we moved forward and occupied the place as much as we could. Some shots but nothing worth mentioning.

Some placements for the Evil camp.

Turn 2 :

Multiples charges ! My dragon and the mounted dwarves bersekers charged the minor abyssals but didn't do enough to destroy them. Some shots of the dwarves troops and my breath attacks from the phoenix got extremely lucky and paralised the archfiend and it helped us a lot. A succubi troop got kiled by my elohi horde.

My allies saw the scorpion charging a troup of dwarf shooters and killed them.

Turn 3 :

On the next turn the dragon, the dwarf king on great beast and the mounted berserkers killed the minor abyssals and then the wights charged a regiment of succubi, and so did my elohi horde. Some hits but not enough to do anything. My other elohi horde got charged by a regiment of Molochs and a troup of succubi but they survived. On the right flank many thnings happened and I wasn't there so to make a long story short : the enslaved ushabtis got destroyed, many hits on the elite squeletons, Vampire on pegasus (Good side, belonging to Jarvis) got some injuries because of many firballs. A single troup of squeletons got destroyed by my paladins and horde of spearmen.

Turn 4 :

My elohi counter-charged the molochs and destroyed them, while my phoenix and two priest (one was Domitius) healed both of my elohi hordes. (one of them killed a succubi regiment). A troop of succubi deceased under the arrows of dwarves who also lost a regiment and a troup of shooters. My dragon was blocked because of a single unit of squeletons which he destroyed. One of the Good units of undead got smashed by the empire of dust army and they destroyed a dwarven war machine too. My spearmen horde and paladin regiment got smashed by the elite cavalery of the undead and mummies. My elohi hordes survived to the archfiend and elite ghosts. Wights got killed by the succubi. some other dwarf troop shooting unit destroyed by werewolves. My dragon charged on the back the mummies and eliminated them. Then he got destroyed by the charge of the elite cavalery of the undead...

Turn 5 :

Both of my elohi hordes charged the archfiend and destroyed her ! (yeah it's a female archfiend). Then my other paladin regiment killed the succubi that destroyed the good Wights, My phoenix got destroyed by the flying ghosts and the many hordes and regiments of skeletons on the righ flank saw a dwarf hord annihilated. basically, the center was held by the undeads but on both flanks we were clearly dominating ! Werwolves killed a necromancer which placed himseld in front of them to block their futur charge. The same happened to my priest in front of the cavalery elite undead.

Turn 6 :

This turn saw all, I said ALL was left of the abyssals eliminated ! The ghosts elite got smashed also by my remaining forces. In the end there was no demon of the abyss left on the table, and the empire of dust only had his scorpion, a priest and a banner guy on mount. The undead had still his individuals and elite cavalery, and his werwolves too. On our on side... both of my elohi hordes, domitius, and a paladins regiment, many dwarven bersekers, a horde of spearmen squeletons, some shoot units... I must forget so many of them ! Please be kind, there were 12000 points on the table !

SO !

Just remind that in the end the good camp had 2580 points left and the evil one 1505 ! It was a huge victory for the Good alliance and this game just kicked some butts ! It was huge and extremely pleasant because everyone was cool as hell (I mean, "as Kolosu" of course ! ^^).

Hope you enjoyed your reading !

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Forces of Basilea


  • Farmace says:

    Surtout que si l’on parlait des elfes Warhammer ce serait un peu plus séduisant, ceux de Mantic ont besoin d’une grosse refonte ! XD

    Enfin, l’avantage de la crise d’adolescence c’est que ce n’est pas pour tout de suite ^^

  • Alphie says:

    Oh punaise tu me traites d’elfes !!! Sache que l’armée des nains est la première que j’ai construite. Ca ne peut que m’offenser d’être traité d’elfe. ;). D’ailleurs, je pense qu’il jouera les elfes dans sa crise d’adolescence. :). Je regarderai la vidéo un peu plus tard.

  • Farmace says:

    Guys, I know that the video showing the armies deployement wasn’t working but I reuploaded it so please let me know if there is another problem.

  • Farmace says:

    Plop ! Normalement la vidéo remarche là (espérons que ça dure ! ^^).

  • Farmace says:

    Alphie : Haha ! Permets moi de te renouveler toutes mes félicitations ! Mais gare à la crise d’adolescence quand il va vouloir jouer une armée que tu détestes ! Merci pour les rabiots, il y a en toi trop de coolitude pour que cela ne cache pas quelque chose ! Dans le doute je dirais : en fait tu jouais les elfes depuis le début ! (comment ça “pas crédible parce que t’avais pas d’elfes sur la table” ? C’est un détail ça !). Et effectivement je viens de voir ça pour la vidéo. Je vais tenter de l’éditer mais pour l’heure voici le lien direct (c’est juste le déploiment par contre ^^).


    Bloodwild : Yeah ! it was gigantic, this game was awsome (and pretty tiring too ^^).

  • Alphie says:

    Il est bien cool ce rapport. Ca devait être franchement sympa. Au fait, j’ai retrouvé 2-3 pièces de basiléens chez moi. Je te les poserai à JJ demain.

  • Alphie says:

    Au fait, la vidéo ne marche pas 🙁

  • Bloodwild says:

    Wow, that’s a lot of points Routed off the table, great to see these large battles.

  • Alphie says:

    Cool !!
    Je voulais passer dire bonjour demain. Évidemment, je risque d’être deux à venir ;).

  • Farmace says:

    C’est gentil à toi, je t’en remercie ! Il ne reste que demain en comptant les décalages horaires des autres zones du globe mais à mon avis tu as raison c’est plutôt bien engagé pour les forces du Bien ^^

    Félicitations pour ta victoire, tu veux file moi le lien j’y jeterais un oeil et mettrai une note pour le principe, c’est déjà cool !

    Au fait, Si je ne dis pas de bêtise, Juman’Jeux a reçu des lots de Mantic France pour la participation à la campagne et je crois que ton nom fut l’un de ceux tirés au sort ^^

  • Alphie says:

    J’ai voté max pour faire remonter la note. C’est injuste le mec qui vote avant la publi. Je crois qu’on a gagné la campagne. J’ai eu le temps d’en faire une petite en 1000 hier que j’ai gagné. Pas de photo, pas de rapport (pas le temps, pas de téléphone…).

    J’espère qu’on se croisera bientôt.

  • Farmace says:

    (And I’d like to know who the hell voted so low on my battle report before it was even finished to be written !)

  • Farmace says:

    Alphie ! Le rapport vient juste d’être mis à jour si tu n’es pas encore couché ! XD

  • Alphie says:

    Yeaaaah !