Edge of the Abyss

The Kings of War Global Campaign

In order to record the details of your battles you will need to enter the details in the Report a Battle section.
This can be done before the battle has even started. Just follow these steps:
Step 1: Log in to the system, if you don’t have an account you can register one for FREE.

Register is on the right hand side of the menu


Step 2: Click on the Report a Battle link in the navigation bar.

Click Report a Battle in the top menu


Step 3: Here you can select the theatre you wish to play in as well as the mission and the size of the game.

Fill in the details of your battle

The Result is optional at this stage. When you are ready to make the battle report public the result at that stage will be required and you will be prevented from publishing the report if the Result field is left blank.

Each published battle is awarded points, these points are what make up the charts and stats seen throughout the site. The results receive the following points:

  • Win: 3 points
  • Loss 0 points
  • Draw: 1 points

Need further assistance? Contact Warconsole Support with the Campaign and screenshots relevant to the issue – [email protected]

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